Article IV – Officers and Executive Board
The elected officers of the Council shall be a president, a president-elect, immediate past-president, a secretary, and a NCTM representative. The President and NCTM Representative must be current NCTM members.
a. The president shall preside at all general meetings of the organization and at all meetings of the Executive Board, shall be responsible for executing the wishes of the organization, shall direct its policies and activities, and shall prepare a written annual report to be filed with the secretary as a part of the permanent records of the Council. The president shall appoint chairs of the standing committees as specified in Article V, Section 1, and chairs of other special (ad-hoc) committees deemed necessary by the president of executive board, as specified in Article V, Section 2, and subject in each case to the approval of the executive board.
b. The president-elect shall act for the president in the president’s absence.
c. The immediate past-president shall perform the duties of the president in the absence of the president and president-elect and chair the nominations committee.
d. The secretary shall keep minutes of all general meetings and executive board meetings of the Council, shall be responsible for preserving the annual records of the president and treasurer, and preserving the reports of committees.
e. The NCTM representative shall represent the membership of the Council at NCTM meetings and shall promote NCTM membership, activities, publications, and professional services to the membership of the Council. In addition, the NCTM representative will bring information to the Executive Board regarding policy and legislative issues relevant to math education.
The appointed officers of the Council shall be the treasurer, historian, and administrative assistant to the Executive Board. The treasurer, historian, and administrative assistant to the Executive Board shall be appointed by the Executive Board for terms determined by the Board.
a. The administrative assistant to the Executive Board shall coordinate communications among the Board and membership, maintain a database of all members of the Council, register participants for all conferences and workshops, and, shall have other duties as assigned by the Board.
b. The treasurer shall receive and disburse funds of the Council upon the authorization of the Executive Board, shall receive dues and other income, shall keep the financial records of the Council, shall deposit funds of the Council in accounts whose title shall be the same as the name of the Council, shall prepare a written annual financial report, shall submit the annual financial report for an independent audit and shall file the annual financial report with the secretary as part of the permanent records of the Council. The treasurer shall present a proposed annual budget for approval by the Executive Board prior to the fiscal year for which the budget is proposed.
c. The historian of the Council shall keep the historical record of the Council.
The voting members of the Executive Board of the Council shall consist of the elected officers, a representative from each local Virginia NCTM affiliates, and ten members elected at large with two (2) representing each of the following: elementary school, middle/junior high school, high school, and four year college; and one (1) representing each of the following: middle school specialist and two year college. The treasurer, administrative assistant, and historian to the Executive Board shall be non-voting members of the Executive Board.
The Executive Board shall act as the governing board of the Council, shall have power to transact business in the name of the Council, aid the officers in carrying out the activities of the Council, and shall meet at least twice annually upon the call of the president, or upon the call of five members of the Executive Board. The ten at-large members shall serve as representatives of their appropriate constituencies to the Executive Board, solicit appropriate articles for publication in the Virginia Mathematics Teacher, assist in the annual conference, as needed, and other duties as assigned. The local affiliate representatives shall serve on the Membership Committee and act as liaisons between their local affiliate and the Executive Board.
a. All elected officers and members of the Executive Board must be voting members of the Council.
b. The term of office of elected officers and members of the Executive Board shall start on the first day of the fiscal year.
c. The president-elect shall be elected in odd-numbered years and shall serve the first year as president-elect, the next two-years as president, and the last year two years as immediate past president.
d. All other elected officers shall serve for two years and shall be elected to begin their term of office in odd-numbered years.
e. Five members-at-large, one representing elementary school, middle/junior high school, high school, math specialist and four year college, shall be elected to the Executive Board each even-numbered calendar year; five members-at-large, one representing elementary school, middle/junior high school, high school, two year college and four year college shall be elected to the Executive Board each odd-numbered calendar year; the term of office for each member-at-large shall be two consecutive fiscal years.
a. The Nominations Committee shall be chaired by the Past President.
b. The Nominations Committee shall prepare a slate containing at least two nominees, who are voting members of the Council, for each elected office to be filled.
c. The preparation, distribution, collection, and tabulation of the ballots shall be the responsibility of the Nominations Committee, in accordance with the procedures approved by the Executive Board.
a. All voting members of the Council shall be given equal opportunity to vote either on-site at the annual business meeting or by mail in each election of officers and members at large of the Executive Board, with procedures established by the Executive Board.
b. Election of officers and members-at-large shall be by a majority of votes cast.
c. Elections will be completed between March 1 and May 1 for the following fiscal year.
In the event of a vacancy of an elected position on the Executive Board, the Executive Board shall appoint a voting member of the Council to fill the unexpired term.
An officer may be removed from his or her elected or appointed office for cause by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board.